Robotic Technologies
Turkey as a company that invests most in R & D in the area of hundreds of robotic systems we develop, process effectors, offline software, analysis, and we provide simulation-based engineering activities and solutions that deliver added value based on the key.
Digital Transformation Technologies
We realize digital transformation by producing domestic, user-friendly, holistic mobile-based smart software and systems for the layers of production with AR / VR, IoT, additive manufacturing, big data, simulation and autonomous systems integrated with industrial robotic systems.
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies
While we develop additive manufacturing technologies and systems using process capabilities such as Laser / Plasma / TIG / MIG / Cold Metal (CMT), we also develop advanced manufacturing systems and technologies for production processes using composite materials.

Business Sectors that we serve
We develop and install engineering solutions and systems based on advanced technology, robotics and digital transformation within the framework of the needs of the aviation industry.
We respond to the production capabilities required by defense industries with advanced technology, robotics and digital transformation based engineering solutions and systems.
Check out high-tech, robotics and digital transformation-based engineering solutions and manufacturing systems that will increase the potential and competitiveness of machine manufacturers.
Automotive and Sub-Industry
Robotic solutions with high standards from Intecro for the mass production and process-based needs of the automotive and tier-1 sectors, the driving force of the global economy.
Wagon Ind. / Rail Sys.
High-tech robotic solutions in accordance with the standards in the body, bogie and chassis production of passenger and freight wagon sets made of stainless, aluminum and steel materials.
Commercial Vehicles
Robotic and mechatronic based solutions for the welding and assembly stages of chassis, wall, axle, axle etc. groups involved in the production of commercial vehicles such as buses, vans, trailers and tow trucks.
Agricultural Equipment
Robotic process solutions such as metal production, joining, welding and cutting, special to the needs of the agricultural sector, are at Intecro. For more details, please contact our experts.
Construction machinery components
We are at your service with years of experience and knowledge for assembly, welding and joining technologies in the production processes of mechanically based machines and components in the construction industry.
Heavy Construction Eq.
With our experience in numerous projects in the construction equipment and spare parts production sector, Intecro offers turnkey solutions such as robotic and mechatronics based assembly, welding, cutting and transportation.
Steel construction
Provide contact for robotic cutting and fully automatic welding solutions for structural steels produced by using steel profiles such as pipe, H, L, etc.
Energy Sector
Such as power plants, electricity distribution systems, wind turbines, etc. Consult our experts for the high technology production capability needed in the fields.
White Goods Industry
For the sectors producing white goods and built-in; laser, tig, mig / mag etc. Along with the need for welding processes, assembly lines requirements are also at Intecro.
On-Vehicle Equipment
Consult our experts for robotic-based fully automatic pre-heated welding and joining solutions specific to the on-board equipment industry.
Pressure vessels
Consult our experts for the technologies we have developed for the pressure vessels sector, such as cutting and sealing welding, as well as forming and forming.
General Industry
As Intecro Robotics, we offer high-standard robotic solutions to the mass production and process-based needs of the industry known as the general industry.
Other metal processing sectors
For other business lines with metal processing outside of the categorized sectors; For solutions based on robotics, welding, cutting and assembly, contact our experts.
Our jobs
Our Works Based on Advanced Manufacturing and Robot Technology
Digital Transformation Platform based on Mobile-Access Technology
A new generation work concentration integrated with your “Machines”, “Robotic Systems” and other “Equipment”, which are used in production activities, with any electronic controller! DISIS; It consists of artificial intelligence, big data management, simulation-based planning, augmented reality supported service, IoT-based monitoring / instant and historical reporting, mobile software and hardware components where many other mobile-based digital transformation technologies meet on a single platform.

“Listen to your machinery” using your mobile phone (IoT)
DISIS collects IoT-based data from all your machines and robots working in production in your factory, processes this data and presents it to you in real time meaningfully at any time or at regular intervals.
Add “intelligence” to your equipment, eliminate downtime and inefficiencies (AI)
DISIS, by making your machines and robots more intelligent with Artificial Intelligence, predicts the required consumable replacement time and the level of need. In addition, artificial intelligence algorithms guide you precisely in case of failure as to where the failure originates.
“Command and control” your machines and robots through “Augmented Reality” (AR/VR)
DISIS becomes your biggest supporter in maintenance, troubleshooting and service thanks to its AR Interface. All you have to do is open the AR menu from the DISIS software installed on your mobile phone and look towards your machine from this viewing interface. DISIS will do the rest.
Have Your Factory and Production machines in the Palm of Your Hand (Mobility)
DISIS does more than just provide you with data, it processes the data, monitors the life cycle of machine, robot and production systems and increases their lifespan. It allows you to track multiple points with a single software. It can work integrated with 3rd party production management software such as MES.
Our Abilities
Corporate Experiences We Have Created With Our Talents
Technological inventions that add value to industry
Customer Satisfaction Center
Focused on the customer
Collective Work and Brain Power Center
Cooperation of Work and Brain Power
Production Center
Produces Robotic Systems with Qualified Production
Integration Center
Qualified and Reliable Production Technologies Integration
Engineering Center
Mühendislik Temelli Proje ve Endüstriyel Ürünler
Individuating Center
Development of Local Mechatronics and Robotic Technologies
IT Center
We Are an Engineering Community Motivated for Knowledge Production and Technological Innovation
Innovation Center
We Are Committed To The Principle Of Benefiting With Innovation

“TÜBİTAK SAGE İleri Birleştirme Teknolojileri Altyapı bünyesinde bulunan ve araştırma/geliştirme çalışmalarında kullanılmak üzere tarafınızdan geliştirilen “Robotik Lazer Kaynak Sistemi’nin” tasarımı, üretimi, entegrasyonu ve eğitim çalışmalarında göstermiş olduğunuz üstün ve başarılı çalışmalarınızdan dolayı tebrik eder, başarılarınızın devamını dilerim.
Tübitak SAGE / Müdür V.

“Robotlu kaynağa geçiş sürecinde olan firmalarda yönetimi ikna süreci uzun sürebiliyor. Neticede bir kesim tezgahı almıyorsunuz, ihtiyacınıza özel tasarlanmış, diğer bir deyişle “terzi usulü” bir sitem yatırımı bu. Türkiye’deki tüm yerli ve yabancı robotik proje firmaları ile görüştük. Intecro’nun bizi ikna etmesindeki temel nedenlerden biri anlaşılır olmasıdır. Diğer taraftan işimiz nedeni ile hacimli malzemeler ve ağır kaynak standartlarına uygun pozisyoner ve gantry robot ürünlerine sahip ve bu konuda ikna edici bir tecrübede olmasıdır. Ayrıca kaynak tekniği konusunda gösterdiği önem nedeni ile kendi bünyesinde kaynak mühendisi bulundurmakta, dünyanın en iyi proses ekipmanlarını kullanmakta ve aynı zamanda robotik sistemler konusundaki başarısı haricinde de sahamızda proses geliştirmeye katılan nadir firmadır.
Veysel ALVER
MPG Makina A.Ş. / Genel Müdür

INTECRO’nun başlangıçda hem robot sistemleri açısından hem de proses olarak çok zorlanacağını düşündüğümüz bir proje sözleşmesine imza attığını düşünmekteydik. Gerçekten 2 ay gibi kısa bir zamanda 30 metreden büyük ve iki istasyonlu Gantry Robot hattını çalışır vaziyete getirdiler. Esas söyleyeceğim şey ise bundan sonrası için; INTECRO ekibi, proses iyileştirmelerinde bizim firmamızın parçası gibi gece gündüz özveri ile çalışarak, kaynak öncesi tüm değişkenleri günlük olarak analiz edip beklenen sürdürülebilir kaynak penetrasyonu başarı ortalamasını, üretim akışını da durdurmaksızın “Film kaynak değerlerini beklenen oranda yakalamayı” başarmış kabiliyeti ve mühendislik gücü yüksek bir firmadır.”
Ferda Ertekin
Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş. / Üretim Müdürü
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