The system configuration is determined in all technical and commercial aspects after the Technical Feasibility and Analysis studies, evaluation is made with simulation and virtualization verification phase is completed after improvements are made. We prepare our technical and commercial offer with the confidence of completing the preliminary project, production system and ability, and present it to our customers after reaching a level of maturity that we are confident of meeting our customer’s expectations.
Our Offers;
We offer our customers by creating two separate documents: Technical Offer, Commercial Offer. Thus, we manage the offering and purchasing processes, taking into account the distribution and concentration of our customers.
First, the sales professional needs to ask himself, “If I were, would I order this?” saying.
Selling isn’t a situation that takes place actively with the idea of "come on please buy".
The definition of sales professional at Intecro;
By combining its analytical presentation and sales inventory with the strong portfolio it maintains, pretending to be a real engineering: being a cure for a problem or bringing a solution to a problem. Is it enough, no it is not. Moreover, being a “Sales Professional in Intecro” is to demonstrate all these skills with high communication success and speed of getting results. The goal is not to sell anything, but to create “satisfaction” in the customer.