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(0312) 484 21 71

Information about the Project

The High / Speed National Train and EMU (Electric National Train) Project includes the production of National Electric Train Sets (EMU), one of the most qualified projects of our country and to be used in passenger transportation at speeds of 160-225 km.

In our “Robotic Assembly Lines” that we established in TÜVASAŞ factories, the first batch of our National Train was produced and successfully passed quality controls.

The first train set to be released from the factory will be on the rails in early 2020. While contributing to the development of our country’s infrastructure and transportation technologies, it is an indescribable happiness to touch the lives of our citizens and have a share in meeting their loved ones! Good luck to our country… Intecro Robotics is in Your Life!

Project Details

Turkey’s most qualified, “the National Technology INTECRO from”. Good luck to our country, “Robotic Based Aluminum Body Assembly Technology and Facility Hosting This Technology”, where we use domestic facilities in all stages from design to engineering, from production and integration to process solutions.

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